8. Love is Always...
"Love is Always," an illustration work that visually describes the intricacies inherent in every relationship, draws inspiration from the poignant lyric "Love is always there, where we have to go" found in Lee Sora's 'Track 3.' This work delves into the profound interplay between love and the indispensable human connection, illustrating our intrinsic reliance on both.
In exploring the human experience, the piece navigates the delicate balance between aspirations and the inevitable challenges of pursuing dreams. Through a visually presented, 'Love is Always' captures the perpetual essence of our need for love amid the intricate inherent of human existence in 4 storyboards and one final outcome.
This storyboard consisted of Dreaming, isolation, solitude and choice.
This reflects the human cycle of aspiring for something different and we find ourselves isolated within our illusions, grappling with the unyielding nature of reality. This experience of isolation leads to a choice to embrace solitude, but even in self-imposed isolation, we feel pervasive loneliness.
Therefore we chose the connection and dream again, and this shows the inherent human inclination to seek connection and love. This exploration proves that people can’t live without love. Love is always where we have to go and is always part of us.
The process of an illusion becomes a frustration
2023, 297 mm x 420 mm, Digital drawing